Sister Of Mine: A Novel Downloads Torrent When two Union soldiers stumble upon a plantation in northern Georgia on a warm May day in 1864, the last thing they expect is to see the Union flag flying. To their horror, they discover that Maifrey Plantation is sealed off and guarded by armed men under the command of Sitgreaves. They try to get to the military from behind, but fail as Sitigs orders them to line up behind the camp, lock them in and throw a grenade. All survivors die. Sitgreaves decides that Prism and his men need a change of leadership, and leaves with his men to the east, leaving Prism with 20 soldiers under Fock to guard the prisoners. Shortly thereafter, thirty more soldiers depart east with Sittas. As night falls, Prism returns to the camp and gathers all the survivors to report the situation. Despite his desperate need to stay alive, he practically agrees to Fok's offer to leave the plantation, because he is afraid that Union soldiers will break through a hole in the fence in a short time. When Prism tells everyone about the threat, they finally start trying to work together. However, as Phok is being prepared for the meeting, Seatridge decides to risk not risking staying with his soldiers. Smithson tells him that he is not sure about Sithgridge's plans but hopes for the best and suggests that he stay the night while Fox goes looking for volunteers.When Fox returns, he sees Sitirj leaving and the two captured Union soldiers show no reaction. Fox makes them show their faces, and both soldiers show their understanding. Finally, Singridge returns with three volunteers who go with him to Paintville to stop the squad. He tells them that Fox is still in town and orders them to head to Griffin and Fok to send troops to help Prism, but Fox will refuse. Fox is tied up and thrown towards the fort to be thrown into the slave cage. When Griffin tries to hide him, someone notices that his eyes glow in the dark, and Singgreaves has to take his men aside. William Prism appears, whom they left at the farm. Survivors of Sittgreaves began to unite, 3e8ec1a487
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